
UI/UX Design

Split is a finance application for IOS that allows users to split checks with ease. This is an original idea and design I worked on as a Graphic Design student at California Polytechnic University. I was the only student working on this project.

Project Overview

This case study focuses on creating a solution to the problem of splitting checks at restaurants. As a college student with limited finances, it is important to be able to split checks with friends when dining out. However, the process of requesting separate checks can be inconvenient and time-consuming, especially for larger groups. In this case study, I will explore the design process for an app that allows users to easily split their checks and pay for their portion of the meal without the hassle.

The Problem

Splitting a check is a cumbersome process that often results in errors and conflicts. The current method of reading the check, calculating individual amounts including taxes and tips, and sending or receiving money via Venmo or cash is time-consuming and inefficient. It often leads to one person paying more than their fair share, causing conflicts and inconvenience. There is a need for a more streamlined and accurate way of splitting a check that eliminates the risk of miscalculation and simplifies the process for all parties involved.

User Research

To gain insights into people's challenges when splitting a check, I conducted an observational study where I observed two individuals attempting to split a bill at a restaurant. I recorded the timeline of events during the meal, including how long it took to split the check, and kept track of the time it took for the individuals to pay back the person who paid for the meal. Following the observation, I interviewed the participants to identify their concerns when splitting a check, which I compiled into a list. This study helped me better understand the pain points that people face when splitting checks in restaurants.

Problem Statement

After conducting a study on the process of splitting a check, three main problems have been identified. First, it is difficult to calculate and split the tax and tip added to the meal, leading to many people never coming up with a fully accurate number to pay back. This causes confusion and conflict among the diners. Second, it is a burden to try to get the money back from other people as the process requires multiple steps, which is time-consuming and inconvenient. Additionally, some people forget about the bill as soon as they leave the restaurant. Third, when multiple people share an item, such as an appetizer, it adds an extra layer of complexity to the splitting process, requiring an additional step to split the price of the item evenly while accounting for tax.

Problem 1

Through my research, I discovered that the current process is complex, time-consuming, and prone to errors. To improve this process, I developed a new task flow using the Split application. The new task flow is designed to be easy and efficient for users, with only a few steps required. With Split, users can select who ordered which dish and adjust the tip amount, all in one screen. This streamlined process reduces the need for users to switch between multiple screens, making it easier to navigate through the information

Problem 2

One of the biggest problems I discovered was the difficulty of splitting the cost of shared dishes, such as appetizers. To address this issue, I developed a feature within the app that allows users to quickly and easily select multiple people to split the cost of a shared item. This new feature has been designed to streamline the check-splitting process, enabling users to split any item on the receipt in just a few seconds.

Problem 3

During the design process of the application, a significant challenge was creating a seamless way for users to input the information from the receipt into the application. Manually inputting data is time-consuming and inconvenient for users. To solve this problem, I decided to incorporate a scan feature using the phoneā€™s camera, similar to the feature used in Turbo Tax for filing taxes. This feature allows users to input information into the application simply by pointing the camera at the receipt. The camera recognizes and transfers critical information from the receipt into the application. In the rare case that the scan feature does not work, users have the option to manually input the information. Additionally, if the camera incorrectly scans and inputs information, users can make individual changes on the following screen. The scan feature significantly streamlines the process of inputting information, providing a smoother experience for the user.

User Interface



Down To Find

